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Checklist: Are You Enabling a Narcissist?

Updated: Dec 9, 2024

Use this checklist to assess your role in the narcissist’s life.

Three women looking at each other close up representing someone that's enabling a narcissist

In our previous article, The Role of Enablers in a Narcissist’s Life, we explored how enablers sustain a narcissist’s toxic behavior and the devastating consequences this dynamic can have on everyone involved. Whether through fear, loyalty, or dependency, enablers often become unwitting participants in the narcissist’s cycle of manipulation and control.

Recognizing enabling behaviors is a crucial step in breaking free from this unhealthy dynamic. Many enablers aren’t even aware of their role, as the narcissist’s tactics can be subtle and deeply ingrained over time. This checklist is designed to help you take a closer look at your interactions and determine if you’re enabling a narcissist in your life.

By identifying these patterns, you can begin to set boundaries, protect yourself, and foster healthier relationships. Use this checklist as a tool for reflection and as a guide to take your first steps toward change. If you find yourself checking multiple boxes, remember that awareness is the first step toward empowerment and growth.

Use this checklist to assess your role in the narcissist’s life. Mark each box that applies to you, and at the end, calculate your score to reflect on the extent of your enabling a narcissist behavior.

1. Prioritizing the Narcissist’s Needs

☐ Do you frequently put their needs above your own or others’?

☐ Do you avoid saying "no" to avoid conflict or negative reactions?

☐ Are their desires treated as more important than everyone else’s?

2. Excusing or Defending Toxic Behavior

☐ Do you make excuses for their behavior, blaming stress, upbringing, or others?

☐ Do you defend them to friends, family, or colleagues, even when their actions are clearly harmful?

☐ Have you ever justified their treatment of others as being "misunderstood"?

3. Minimizing Their Actions

☐ Do you downplay their toxic behavior as "not that bad" or "just how they are"?

☐ Do you ignore or dismiss feedback from others who have been hurt by the narcissist?

4. Fear of Confrontation

☐ Do you feel afraid of how they will react if you disagree or assert yourself?

☐ Have you avoided addressing issues because of potential emotional or verbal backlash?

☐ Are you reluctant to set boundaries due to fear of being discarded or retaliated against?

5. Spreading Their Narrative

☐ Have you ever relayed their version of events without questioning its accuracy?

☐ Have you acted as a "messenger" between them and others, particularly during conflicts?

☐ Do you feel obligated to take their side in disagreements or disputes?

6. Shielding Them from Consequences

☐ Have you covered for their mistakes or actions to protect their reputation?

☐ Do you handle responsibilities they neglect, preventing them from facing the impact of their choices?

☐ Have you taken the blame for situations they created?

7. Dependency on Their Approval

☐ Do you rely on their validation or attention to feel valued?

☐ Do you feel guilty or anxious when they’re upset with you, even if you’ve done nothing wrong?

☐ Are you afraid of losing their approval or relationship if you set boundaries?

8. Supporting Harmful Decisions

☐ Do you go along with their decisions, even if they harm others or yourself?

☐ Have you ever contributed to their manipulation of others, directly or indirectly?

☐ Do you feel compelled to keep their secrets, even if they’re harmful?

9. Emotional or Financial Ties

☐ Are you financially dependent on them, making it hard to challenge their behavior?

☐ Do you feel emotionally tied to them in a way that keeps you in the relationship despite the harm?

10. Impact on Your Well-Being

☐ Do you feel emotionally drained after interactions with them?

☐ Have you neglected your own needs or relationships to cater to theirs?

☐ Are you experiencing stress, anxiety, or loss of self-esteem because of your role in their life?

Scoring and Reflection for Enabling a Narcissist Checklist

Scoring: Count the number of boxes you’ve checked.

Total Yes Responses: ____


  • 0-3 Yes Responses: Minimal narcissist enabling, but watch for patterns that could emerge.

  • 4-6 Yes Responses: Moderate narcissist enabling; consider reflecting on your role and areas to address.

  • 7 or More Yes Responses: Strong enabling a narcissist patterns; it’s important to take action to protect yourself and others.

Next Steps

If you find yourself checking several boxes:

  • Acknowledge your role: Awareness is the first step toward change.

  • Set boundaries: Define clear limits to protect yourself and others.

  • Seek support: Talk to trusted friends, family, or a therapist for guidance.

By breaking the cycle of enabling a narcissist, you can foster healthier, more balanced relationships.

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The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not licensed clinicians, mental health professionals, lawyers, or legal advisors. For any concerns regarding mental health or personal situations, please seek advice from a qualified professional. For more details, please read our full disclaimer.

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