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Dec 24, 2024

How Narcissists React to Information About Narcissism

In his November 11, 2018 article on, Darius Cikanavicius explains that narcissists typically react to information about narcissism with denial, projection, or aggression, often perceiving it as a personal attack and rarely experiencing lasting change.

How Narcissists React to Information About Narcissism

In his article published on on November 11, 2018, Darius Cikanavicius explores how narcissistic individuals react to information about narcissism, revealing a range of psychological responses such as indifference, denial, delusion, and projection. Many narcissists dismiss such content, believing it applies to others rather than themselves, while some develop a malicious curiosity, using psychological insights to manipulate others. Emotionally, narcissists often experience shame, anger, and a sense of personal attack when confronted with material that highlights their behavior.

Cikanavicius highlights that behavioral reactions can be aggressive—manifesting as harassment or vendettas—or non-aggressive, with narcissists seeking validation to soothe their fragile self-image. Some lash out at the author or those around them, while others spiral into depressive states. The article concludes that narcissists rarely experience lasting change, and their destructive tendencies often escalate with age as their manipulative patterns become more apparent to those around them.


Recognizing Narcissism

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